以人为本 以严治厂 以诚待客 以质求存 以技促进 以特展长 以速求效
经营理念以“奋斗者”为本,专注者做专注事;品质为先,客户至上;诚信、专注、高效、共赢。 Quality first, customer first;Accountability, efficiency, improvement, and win-win;Based on “Strivers”, carry forward the spirit of craftsmanship | 品质方针质量先行,全员参与,持续改善,精益求精,强化人才培育,力求缔造百年昌盛的传世品牌。 Quality first, full participation, continuous improvement, striving for excellence, strengthening talent cultivation, and striving to create a century old and prosperous legacy brand。 | 企业愿景遵循高质量目标,追求高效率运作,为广大客户提供高品质的产品和服务。 Adhering to high-quality goals, pursuing efficient operation, and providing high-quality products and services to our customers。 |